June 18th, 2014
Blog Post/ Journal Entry
Week 3, Day 1
Mariela Sanchez
Communication & Media Studies major
Kiss 108, Matty In The Morning Internship
Today I arrived to the station at 6:00am because I over slept. This is my first time arriving late. I made sure to text Kendra (my internship supervisor) and I also informed the other intern so she can give Kendra the message just in case she did not receive my text. When I arrived to the internship, I made sure to jump right into Pod-casting and I did not waste any time. Even though I was late, I started my day positively. Since I was late, I made sure to go on the Panera run this morning, since the other intern went on the Dunkin Donuts/CVS run at 5:30am all alone because I was late. Something cool that happened today at the internship is that they have a Froyo machine in the lunch room. I'm very excited about this because we get to have an unlimited amount of frozen yogurt while on the job!
Links of today's Podcast:
(I edited & uploaded and wrote descriptions for these podcast)
Today, our 'Hot Sheet' included many subjects, such as:
- Dr OZ
- Kanye & Kim
- Kourtney Kardashian
- Taylor Swift
- The Powerpuff Girls
- Jason Biggs
- Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino
- Donald Trumpt
- The Unicode Consortium